Rule number one for a great adventurer: stay hydrated(*). It only takes a couple days to die of dehydration if you are ever lost in the woods. Also with the amount of crying, I the ‘super brave polar explorer’, did during the last weekend I can attest to essentialness of a water bottle.
(*) but really, a towel is the most important item a Hitchhiker can carry

After a few teary eyes goodbyes, I was ready to embark on the plane with my 30 kg of luggage (pretty sure it was more but weight is relative, right?). As a parting gift our admins from the French Polar Institute (aka IPEV) gave us a box of masks plus our paperwork for border control (enough to make an acceptable campfire). Silver lining of this pandemic is that the plane was completely empty and the stewards were more than happy to help out. I made the mistake to ask if I could have a second helping of chocolate ice cream – they did…even 3! Or 4! As many as I wanted answered the steward with unbridled delight. Such delight only comparable to that of my grandma cooking for Christmas.
The flights went without a hitch. To be honest, buried under ten different airplane blankets (and with way too much chocolate ice cream) I did not see the time pass. For every flight (we took three: Paris to Singapore to Australia to Tasmania) we were generously gifted extra medical masks. Once we arrived to our quarantine hotel in Hobart in Tasmania, we were once again gifted a nice box of masks. On an unrelated note I will like to announce the opening of my new online shop, mostly selling surgical masks but very soon we will stock up in free airplane toothbrushes as well. Enter the promo code WHATDOIDOWITHTHESEMASKSNOW100 to get 100% of your next purchase.

Gen Y back at it again with the selfies

Carry-on about as heavy as my luggage (promise next year I'll get into minimalism)